Field Trips
All field trips will be posted on our Facebook page which can be found on the button at the bottom of the page. If you have an idea or place you want to go please feel free to email me at CullmanHomeschoolers@gmail.com
Homeschool Field Trip Policy
• Please show up if you sign up (especially for limited or FREE trips - It reflects badly on homeschoolers as a whole when we have 30 people sign up and 10 people show up)
• Please DO NOT show up if you have not signed up (NOT just clicked GOING ) you MUST post on the age/how many children post on each event to be counted .
Please don't delete your spot , I'll confirm the cancellation and delete your post .
• Please arrive 10 minutes before event is scheduled so we can start on time
• Each child MUST be accompanied by a legal guardian. "Drop offs" are not allowed.
• Please make sure that field trips are age appropriate for your children . You know them best so use your own discretion or rules of the event .
• Children should be supervised at all times.
• Make sure to follow any rules/policies set forth by the establishment we are visiting.
• Children are expected to behave. Disruptive families will be asked to leave the event and won't be allowed to attend future field trips . You represent homeschoolers and the person who is the contact for the event so act accordingly .
• There is a zero tolerance rule for any acts of violence, abusive behavior, illegal activities.
• We take lots of pictures which may appear on our Facebook page (no names listed without permission)
• We aren't responsible for any injuries, theft, or loss of personal property at any events. All participants take full responsibility for their children and attend events "at your own risk".
• All events are family friendly. Drugs and alcohol use are strictly prohibited.
• Cullman homeschoolers reserves the right to update this policy as needed.